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Are you a Young Carer?

Young Carers at the Castle School

Support and Advice

If you’re under eighteen years old and look after another person at home, you are a young carer. If so, you’re not alone. It’s estimated there are 50,000 young carers in the UK.

You may be looking after a parent or another relative, like a sister or brother.

You may be looking after someone because:

  • they’re disabled
  • they have a long-term illness
  • they misuse drugs or alcohol
  • or because someone else is finding it hard to cope with being a parent or carer

As a young carer you may:

  • find that you are not able to go out with your friends
  • be confused or angry about the situation at home
  • be having difficulties at school or college because of your responsibilities at home
  • feel alone and unable to talk to anyone about your situation
  • need help with the caring

We can help you with any of the above, you only have to ask, we think you’re fantastic, and

Please speak to your Head of Year, Student Support Worker, or Mrs Palmer.